The Soul Method


Unlock Your Potential In Life And Business









 To be honest... You are sick of the same thing done a million different ways...


It seems like everyone is doing the same thing - A million different breathwork events, the same structured workshops. And it's just not for you anymore. You know you want the next level, and to feel more alive. Your soul is calling for more, you just haven't known what it is...

This is why I created The Soul Method


To break the rules of "doing it the right way" so you can live in the magick you desire


This is for you if you: 

  • Have felt stagnant and bored with all the ways "you should be doing it" and are craving something new
  • Cannot bare to go to another cacao ceremony (and still want like-minded community)
  • Feel a desire for depth, that's rooted in ancient wisdom
  • Know you are here to embody your full potential and live your mission
  • Stand for a new way of being, embodied spirituality and a larger vision for humanity
  • Are seeking that next space to open and expand your own possibilities 
  • Know that you are not just here for absorbing knowledge, but to actually embody it
  • Are devoted to becoming the person you are meant to be
  • Are done with doing the same as everyone else and are ready to lead
  • Know you are committed to making a stand for a new way for humanity and that this starts with YOU

Stagnancy  Doesn't Serve You or Your Mission

 There's a hundred different workshops that are copied from one another. Leaders have stopped trusting themselves and their unique, inner wisdom. This underlying fear of "what if I get it wrong ruling the show." You've felt this in your own Path.

You care about expansion, possibility, and becoming the person who creates what truly serves the world. Y
et you find yourself questioning, then going back to the same strategies you've done a million times. Even though you can feel that part of you that's dying. 

That's your soul longing for aliveness, to express In your own Sacred and unique way. You know this is the place you need to lead from.

You still love your service. But you've been denying the next evolution. Truly living and serving from this full potential. It's time break down these limitations to step into the most authentic and powerful you.

So, what even is The Soul Method?

The Soul Method is an embodied framework that allows you to expand beyond your current state of consciousness. Bringing awareness to the areas, beliefs and conditions within your life and business where you feel restricted, stuck and stagnant. Allowing you to go beyond this to step into the your full potential. Transforming what you had once thought limitation into possibility.

Humans have been shaped by culture, society and family to believe and act in accordance within a set of rules. These rules have allowed us to move and navigate through the world. The problem when we are here to embody our soul's mission, some of these programs can remain out dated and prevent us from stepping into the evolutionary edge of service. 

Through consciously meeting these edges and "rules" we can begin to understand we can go beyond them. Allowing new possibilities to open within our reality. Expanding beyond the known state of reality and entering a field of possibility. 

This is the place that our soul asks us to live from. For here our potentials can be realized, our dreams created and our visions brought to life. Allowing the individual to consciously shape their reality. Overcome the limitations and struggles they've previously dealt with and see how their problems are an invitation for soul expansion.

Experience this in this 3 hour workshop.

Join us below

The Pillars of The Soul Method


Alchemy is the purification process. Taking the old and what is no longer serving. Allowing this to die for new possibilities to be birthed


Ever felt like you've been wondering through a murky swap looking to figure it out? This is when you get caught in the stories, beliefs and limitations that keep your soul stuck. Truth unravels these and returns you to clarity


Our highest timeline comes from the embodiment of our potential. This means removal of the fears and the layers that have kept you stuck, limited and doing "what you should do". It's time to remember your nature


Ritual is where we go to remember. To make sacred the mundane. To offer ourselves to the prayer of our vision and reignite our fire within


This work is for the world. The healing occurs with other like-minded people.  Committed to the path of becoming. If you want the depth of community that goes beyond the cacao ceremony, this is for you


This is a core teaching that goes beyond the traditional "knowledge'. This is bringing the knowledge into the body so that you know these truths within your core

JOIN The Soul Method JULY 26th

Early Bird Special


  • Join 3 Hour The Soul Method Workshop - Tamborine Mountain
  • Ends July 12th

Regular Price


  • Join 3 Hour The Soul Method Workshop - Tamborine Mountain

You Already Feel The Call.

What More Is There To Say?

When it comes to Soul we can have a million different reasons not too. We can justify again and again. And the truth is, we know when we are denying the call. The invitation into the next stage of our journey. 

So look at this stage of this page, I'm not here to convince you. You either know or you don't.

The question is, what would happen for you if you began to trust in that call of your soul? If each time you felt it, you said yes, regardless of the reasons?

How would life be different? How would your relationships be? How would your business be? 

That is what this night is all about. 

Ready to join? 

Sign up below

What's Included?


3 Hour In-Person Event

Arrival: 5:45pm

Start: 6pm Finish: 9pm

Connected Community That Seeks Depth

Live Teachings And Transmissions

Guided Embodiment To Call Forth Your Potential

Ritual & Ceremony

Experience of The Soul Method 

JOIN The Soul Method JULY 26th

Early Bird Special


  • Join 3 Hour The Soul Method Workshop - Tamborine Mountain
  • Ends July 12th

Regular Price


  • Join 3 Hour The Soul Method Workshop - Tamborine Mountain

Meet Your Facilitator

DEAN BENTLEY, Business Mentor & Spiritual Alchemist

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” - Gospel of Thomas 

I've been called a Viking Priest, a wizard, magician, speaker and more. Over the last 4 years I've helped 100's of people connect back to their authentic selves and live in alignment with their souls.

I'm the host of The Wyrd Way Podcast, a founding member of The Gathering of Men Retreat Australia, one of Australia's leading men's retreat, a speaker, facilitator and mentor. I'm the creator of The Path of Service Workshop, a Spiritual Mentor and Business Alchemist

One of the biggest problems the world faces currently is that of people disconnected from their own soul. With over 300 million people diagnosed with depression in the world, this is one of the biggest travesties we face as a species. 

My biggest passion is helping others unlock their own gifts so that they can go on to share and support others to do the same.


JOIN The Soul Method JULY 26th

Early Bird Special


  • Join 3 Hour The Soul Method Workshop - Tamborine Mountain
  • Ends July 12th

Regular Price


  • Join 3 Hour The Soul Method Workshop - Tamborine Mountain