Join The Path of Service Waitlist

The Path of Service will be back soon. Put your name down for the waitlist to receive all the updates and special bonuses for the next Path of Service

Your Soul Is Asking You To Say Yes!

 You've probably heard this a million times. People telling you to follow that whisper, to follow your soul and the path will open for you. That it will all work out. And still... you're wondering how...

I'm not here to convince you. You know if you have that whisper. That feeling that you are here for more and that KNOWING that something is being asked of you...

I'm here to speak to it. To let that know I get it. That I've been (and still sometimes get caught in the mess of it). I'm not here to be a guru, or someone who can give you all the answers. I'm here to be real, authentic and help you along the actual path. Not some idealized one that every self-help book ever quotes.

Because at the end of the day, this isn't about me. It's about your vision. The days of pedestaling and victimizing our selves needs to die. The way the world heals is when each of us say a resounding YES to that whisper. To be willing to live with courageous hearts, to not back down from the challenges and test life throws at us and still at the end of the day, DECLARE I am here to live fully, abundantly and in alignment with my truth and highest potential. 

This is The Path of Service and it is here to help you come back into your own sovereignty, unlocking your own unique gifts so that you can lead powerful and liberated lives while leading others to do the same.   

What Could Who You Are Now, Have Done For Who You Were? 

It's time to stop letting the excuses win. The imposter syndrome, the perfectionism, the not enoughness... You are being called into your potential and its time to say yes.

Welcome to



The Path of Service workshop is here to take you beyond the mind numbing strategies and the "shoulds" that so many people have when it comes to creating business. Leading you back to your heart, sovereignty and your own guidance. 

This isn't just about service. Its about stepping into your most aligned, authentic life.

Its through this soul centered approach that you will gain the clarity on how you can begin serving the world, bringing your gifts to the world and begin receiving. 

The old way of hustle until you die from exhaustion no longer works. This asks that you bring alignment, integrity and embodiment to what you bring the world. Connecting to your deepest mission and knowing the life you live, is a living transmission of everything you stand for. 

During this workshop we will focus on the 3 pillars of aligned soul work.

  • Service: The gift, the medicine and the how 
  • Soul: The deepest calling of your heart that wishes to express to this world
  • Strategy: Building the foundational elements that allows you to create impact while being in alignment

This is not a workshop where you just sit and listen. You will be actively involved. Meeting yourself, your own blocks and the layers which up until now have kept you stuck, stagnant and limited. 

This approach is a unique blend of the spiritual and business. The metaphysical and the physical. Allowing a grounded and connected approach to be birthed. 


How do I serve?

What are my gifts?

Two of the biggest questions that are stopping you from serving and creating the impact that you desire. Stuck in the confusion of "find your niche" and the million other strategies that feel misaligned with your soul. 

Learn to connect to the unique medicine you offer. Stop the confusing of trying to find your niche and learn the embodied approach to service.

It's time to bring your gifts to life and share them with the world. 

This is how you serve


This workshop isn't about making you into something your not. It's about calling forth your authentic self. Allowing that part of you that is uniquely you to shine. 

Because you and I both know, that is the only way that you are able to serve in a way that is aligned with your deepest purpose. 

Learn how you can express the fullness of your being and connect to the deepest part of you that is craving to be heard. That part that has whispered to you this entire time and is now just beginning to connect the dots.


The word SO many can hate when it comes to soul aligned business and service...

Being told to message "50 people a day. Post everyday" doesn't feel good for you. You don't want to be a coach who doesn't seem to care...

You wonder how you can serve, share your message and create income in a way that feels aligned with your being.

Learn the tools that can take you from feeling grossed out and resistant to strategy to seeing how it can serve you, your soul and the embodiment of your vision. 



“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” - Gospel of Thomas 

I've been called a Viking Priest, a wizard, magician, speaker and more. Over the last 4 years I've helped 100's of people connect back to their authentic selves and live in alignment with their souls.

I'm the host of The Wyrd Way Podcast, a founding member of The Gathering of Men Retreat Australia, one of Australia's leading men's retreat, a speaker, facilitator and mentor. 

One of the biggest problems the world faces currently is that of people disconnected from their own soul. With over 300 million people diagnosed with depression in the world, this is one of the biggest travesties we face as a species. 

My biggest passion is helping others unlock their own gifts so that they can go on to share and support others to do the same. 

Hannah Joy

"Today was powerful! So many codes activating. I've just made a huge announcement in my business for those of you following me on socials. It came from my reflections today"


David Grigg

"Man, that was sooooo ridculosuly uncomfortable for me at the start. Was nearly choking just trying to speak, I felt my throat closing and I couldn't think. I've really got a long way to go to really finding my own voice and remaining calm enough in my nervous system to speak, I have many beautiful things to say I can just never access them in the moment.

Had such a good time last night, felt so connected to the group by the end :) thanks for bringing this together Dean I'm so pumped for the weeks ahead"

Mokai Pamentor

"Oh man this journey is connecting like no other. This kind of work is the missing piece in my life, and that's why it's connecting so deeply. I am just so grateful to you and your wisdom brother, so happy to be guided through this by you. Everytime I see or feel you in your power there is a charge in me that just pulls into mine. Such a positive influence on me man"


You've made it this far on this page. So you already know there is some type of pull. If you were hoping for me to convince you with some last words, this is what you get.

The biggest lesson I've learnt on my path is to trust that pull. To be willing to follow it. Whether that was to invest in my first coach with the entirety of my savings, or to start coaching myself or run my first workshop all those years ago. 

Every time I have trusted that, I have reaped the rewards. No one else can make the same choice for you. It's up to you to be willing to follow your own path and learn what is right for you.  

Now it's your turn to decide. Will you follow that pull?

Join The Path of Service Waitlist

The Path of Service will be back soon. Put your name down for the waitlist to receive all the updates and special bonuses for the next Path of Service