What Happens When An Ancient Mystery School Meets The Business World?

The Container For Coaches, Healers and Leaders Who Are Ready To Embody Their Soul Mission And Create The Lives Of Their Dreams


The Choice Is Simple

You can pretend that "trying to get it right" isn't killing your creativity, your soul and ability to make money in the way you desire (and not making you feel completely constricted limited and living in a world of scarcity)




You can admit you are here to be a pioneer for your work. Being courageous enough to path your own way in a way that actually feels good for your being. 

Let's Be Real... You've Heard It All Before

People have told you all sorts of shit. You've been caught in all the ways "you should be doing it". The strategies that say you have to post on social media so many times. The one's that say you have to message dozen's of people a day. The business model that has made you feel like you need to hustle EVERYDAY!

And honestly, that doesn't appeal to your soul. You're tired of doing it in a way where it feels forceful. Where you need to hustle and that if you were ever to stop... it would all disappear


I want to tell you a secret... All the problems you've been having has been your soul trying to get you into deeper alignment. You have been:

  • Feeling frustrated that you aren't further than you are and constantly asking "Why isn't it working?"
  • Caught in existential dread and asking yourself "why are you even here (though you've heard a whisper that terrifies you)
  • Filled with doubt and insecure about your ability to lead, support others and coach
  • Spend hours thinking of the perfect thing to say and get your content "just right"... instead of saying what you really want to say
  • Believing you need to be doing "all the right moves" (and even when you think you do... it doesn't work)
  • Still questioning how much you charge for your work (or still wondering how you can even charge for your work)
  • Continuously distracting yourself with unhealthy habits BECAUSE you've been to scared to take the leap
  • Wondering when you will finally get your break through like all the other stories you've seen
  • Sick of doing all the strategies you've been told to do that have made you feel sick (and knew were never in alignment)
  • Despite all the work you have done... you still don't feel like you've "stepped into your power" and have been knowing there's more for you
  • Still see yourself sabotage yourself and not own the gifts you are here to bring
  • And in all this, even though you know you shouldn't, you still don't feel good enough

Yeah... That's quite a lot. Here's The Good News

Ok, we both know you've probably done other work. Been a part of other containers that have promised a lot and delivered a little. You've been caught by the glamor of it all and thought "yes finally this is going to give me everything I need"... and then it didn't...

I've been there. It sucks. And here is the pitch that I didn't think I'd write. I'm not here to fix your problems. I'm not here to make you unrealistic promises. I'm here to help you unlock your soul. 

All of that above, yeah those annoying challenges and problems you are experiencing, that's not what I'm here for. These are just the ripples of the deeper underlying problem you are experience. The fact that you haven't allowed your soul to shine. 

That there has been beliefs that have told you, you STILL need to be a certain way to get the results you've desired. See, you've been operating within a rule box that you thought you had too, and like a good kid in school, you've been trying to do the right thing to get the results...

That ain't going to cut it no more. The reason you've been feeling all of that and experiencing these problems is because you've become disconnected from the truth of yourself. The utter glory of allowing yourself to shine bright. As a result of this, your soul (who is basically your higher self) has giving you a bunch of problems, each one with a message saying "I'm here because you haven't EMBODIED the fullness of your soul. WAKE THE FUCK UP TO YOUR GREATNESS ALREADY"

It's the bread crumbs seeking to lead you home so you can experience the deep wealth, pleasure and abundance that this life deeply desires to give to you. 

You just haven't been listening. 

So the truth is, you haven't been embodied in your soul and that's why you've still been struggling with these results. 

The good news... That's why AMPLIFY is here. Not to offer you these promises. Instead, it's here to help you unlock the deepest embodiment of your soul (a great side effect of this is that you generally end up creating everything you desired in the first place)

So Does It Even Matter If I Want To Be A Coach Or Not?

 No. Not a whole lot (Though if you do, there's a couple relevant bonuses in it for you. There is also a funny side effect that embodying our soul has... It will generally desire us to give back to the world. It's why coaching is a great way to serve our soul mission). 

What I've found over the last 4 years in my work is that it doesn't matter what problem a person experiences. The issue is the same. They have been caught by their own unconscious beliefs, strategies and behaviours. 

These have been conditioned into you since birth. Trying to conform you into the ways "you should be". School telling you that when you do that you get rewarded and when you do that, you get punished. 

This has created an internal dichotomy of right and wrong. Suppressing parts of you that are CRAVING to be allowed, loved and acknowledged. The more you suppress the louder they become (and the louder the problems become as a result).

So maybe you want to be a coach and you haven't even begun

Or you've been coaching and you've felt constricted by the ways in which you believe you "have to show up"

Or perhaps you don't even care about coaching at all and you are just here to unlock the fullest evolution of your soul...

The reason doesn't matter... But you've been called here for a reason. You've made it this far on this page for a reason. Because some part of you is wanting more and it has been sick of pretending to be anything but what it fully is...

So if you are ready to join an awesome community of individuals seeking to embody the deepest essence of their soul... well, you already know its time to join.

The Pillars of Amplify

 How We Are Going To Turn Your Biggest Frustrations Into Your Greatest Power


Let's turn the metaphorical "shit" into gold. Alchemy is the process of turning the would be problems into the lessons needed. So instead of feeling stuck and frustrated you can be passionate and alive


How do you share your gifts with the world? Let's introduce business. This is the modern day vehicle for creating collective change in the world. Learn how to bring your vision alive in a way that allows you to create income & impact while being in integrity

Soul Evolution

You did not come here to play small. Your Soul has asked you to play full out. That means there is a few ego deaths along the way. So that you can bask in the fullness of your own glory


Ever heard the saying "How you say it is more important than what you say?" This is energetics. And this applies to EVERYTHING. The quote for here is "How you do anything is more important than what you do."


Perhaps one you didn't expect to see here... But if you aren't creating a more beautiful world for yourself and the world, what's the point? This is about unlocking your divine creator and making your life into the artwork


What would all this be without love? And if this seems soft and fluffy to you, wait until you are learning to love the depth of your shadow and the suppressed layers of your being that are craving this love



Paid In Full


  • 3 Day In-person Training
  • 3 Month Online Live Course
  • Access To Amplify Self Paced Course
  • Community of Purposeful Individuals
  • Bonus: Access To Soul Aligned Business Course

Payment Plan


  • 3 Day In-person Training
  • 3 Month Online Live Course
  • Access To Amplify Self Paced Course
  • Community of Purposeful Individuals
  • Bonus: Access To Soul Aligned Business Course



Activate Your Souls Mission

Stop the frustration and the wondering of "what you are here for" and instead KNOW what you came here for. Having clarity on your next steps so you can focus on making impact rather than what is next

Integrate The Shadow  And Return To Wholeness

It's time to stop disowning all those parts of you that you got told is bad and bask in the full glory of all you are. Meaning no longer you stay inside that box and you attract your dream clients

Step Into Your Leadership And Power

Activating your potential means you declare you are here to lead. Getting out of your own way to activate the fullness of your vision. Stopping you from question your worth and building the movement you know you are here for

Expand Your Potential (Warning: May Include Ego Deaths)

With every expansion, there is a death. It's time to sow your expansion with the death of your old identity. If your old identity struggled to charged what it desired... welcome in the one who is ready to claim their worth and value 

Create Relationships That Expand And Enliven

As our soul calls us into our potential, our people the one's that are here to help us activate our highest calling step into our lives. This means removing the relationships that no longer excite you and opening you up to your soul tribe


Burn Away The Karmic Cycles 

 Go beyond the generation patterns, trauma and beliefs that have propagated your challenges and step into your greatness. Removing the limitations of scarcity and self doubt as you break free from conditioning


Amplify Is Like Nothing You Have Experienced


Alchemy. Business. Energetics. Soul Evolution. Art. 

This is what we are here for. This isn't a one dimensional box where I'm going to tell you how you need to be and have the perfect strategy. 


This is about bringing your soul forward. The evolutionary edge of what this world is asking for. 

This is about calling forth your potential so you can go out into the world and unapologetically share your vision, mission and purpose. 

Will we be going into strategy and how we can support this?

Absol-fucking-lutely. In a way where you get to feel deeply connected to your soul and sharing your unique voice. The world doesn't need you to be like me. It needs you. So we will be working with how can we bring forth your gifts in the way that is unique to you. This is the mission. This is the purpose. 

So what makes this different from every other course out there?

Well firstly, I'll be facilitating and no one does this work quite like me (so yes, I'll be a little cheeky as we are unlocking the fullest glory of your soul). 

Secondly, the first focus is on you. All the strategies and plans don't mean shit if it doesn't fit your unique way of being within this world. Our attention is on how we can support you. 

This isn't a cookie cutter approach where you will be told "you need to do x, to then get A". This is about attuning to your own needs and determining how you can be supported. 

This is why the focus is on soul evolution. Once you become the version of you who has what you want, then the rest becomes clear. Our first call of business is you.


What's Included?


3 Day In-Person Training

3 Month Live Online Course

Amplify Self-Paced Course

Community Of Purposeful Individuals

Bonus: Access To Soul Aligned Business Course


23rd To 25th August In-person in Gold Coast, Australia

Online component beginning week of the 26th August


Paid In Full


  • 3 Day In-person Training
  • 3 Month Online Live Course
  • Access To Amplify Self Paced Course
  • Community of Purposeful Individuals
  • Bonus: Access To Soul Aligned Business Course

Payment Plan


  • 3 Day In-person Training
  • 3 Month Online Live Course
  • Access To Amplify Self Paced Course
  • Community of Purposeful Individuals
  • Bonus: Access To Soul Aligned Business Course

My Vision

Our world is in a moment of massive change. The invention of AI, the ecological changes that are effecting the planet and more and more people questioning "What is the meaning of their life?"

We come to a point where their is a possibility for an incredible difference to be made and for humanity to find a path of harmony, grace and peace. Each of us play a part within that vision. For each person has a unique gift they can offer the world. A piece of the jigsaw if you will, and once each piece comes together the total image is allowed to take shape.

The world asks that each of us are willing to take a stand for that vision. That each one of us takes our rightful place for the healing of this world and say yes to the vision upon our hearts. For this is our guiding force and the one leading us back to harmony. 

The world needs leaders who are willing to stand for this. Who are brave enough to say that another way is possible. That remember within their bones that we as a species do not have to live this way. This is the mantel that we are being asked to step onto. 

The healing comes from each of us finding our own liberation and freedom. To learn how to unchain ourselves from the cultural programing, the engaged conditioning and the generational learnings that have all been passed down. 

Allowing this to be a beacon for others so they too may find the path home to themselves. 

Meet Your Facilitator,


“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” - Gospel of Thomas 

I've been called a Viking Priest, a wizard, magician, speaker and more. Over the last 4 years I've helped 100's of people connect back to their authentic selves and live in alignment with their souls.

I'm the host of The Wyrd Way Podcast, a founding member of The Gathering of Men Retreat Australia, one of Australia's leading men's retreat, a speaker, facilitator and mentor. I'm the creator of The Path of Service Workshop, a Spiritual Mentor and Business Alchemist

One of the biggest problems the world faces currently is that of people disconnected from their own soul. With over 300 million people diagnosed with depression in the world, this is one of the biggest travesties we face as a species. 

My biggest passion is helping others unlock their own gifts so that they can go on to share and support others to do the same. 


You've made it this far on this page. So you already know there is some type of pull. I'm not here to convince you. I only work with people I love to work with. That has never been anyone that I've had to convince that this work is for them. 

Now saying that...

The biggest lesson I've learnt on my path is to trust that pull. To be willing to follow it. Whether that was to invest in my first coach with the entirety of my savings, or to start coaching myself or run my first workshop all those years ago. 

Every time I have trusted that, I have reaped the rewards. No one else can make the same choice for you. Its up to you to be willing to follow your own path and learn what is right for you.  

Now it's your turn to decide. Will you follow that pull?



Paid In Full


  • 3 Day In-person Training
  • 3 Month Online Live Course
  • Access To Amplify Self Paced Course
  • Community of Purposeful Individuals
  • Bonus: Access To Soul Aligned Business Course

Payment Plan


  • 3 Day In-person Training
  • 3 Month Online Live Course
  • Access To Amplify Self Paced Course
  • Community of Purposeful Individuals
  • Bonus: Access To Soul Aligned Business Course